
Fireball Island - 80's Board Game, Reignited and Restored

Created by Restoration Games

Fully updated look and play. A highly interactive game of press-your-luck, card play, and set collection -- but mostly GIANT FIREBALLS.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Maker Kit Contest!
over 5 years ago – Thu, May 30, 2019 at 01:51:42 AM

Hello, everybody! For those of you that don't subscribe to our newsletter -- shame on you! -- we just announced a Fireball Island Maker Kit contest. We know that some of you have been doing some cool things with the game, but we want to share these creations with everyone and have some fun. 

All you have to do to enter the contest is share an image of your Maker Kit creation on social media (twitter, facebook, and instagram are all fine) and tag Restoration Games with #MyFireballIsland.

We'll pick three entries at random to win a copy of Fireball Island: Spider Springs as soon as it is released. And we're also going to have a "judge's choice" for the one we think is hottest creation of all, who will win $150 credit in our webstore (good on games, t-shirts, mugs, whatever).

If you want to enter and don't have a Maker Kit, you can now order them from our webstore.

The contest ends July 15, 2019, and full rules can be found on our website.

So bust out your paint and your rhinestones! We can't wait to see what you all come up with!

3D Player Pawn Files for Download
over 5 years ago – Sun, May 05, 2019 at 02:17:07 AM

Just a quick update to let everyone know that, at the request of some backers, we've made the .stl files of the player pawns available for download on our website. Or you can get them directly using this link.

These are for non-commercial use only, but they're a good way to 3D print a replacement pawn if one goes missing or breaks (or if you are always fighting over who gets to play Saul).

On the lingering issue of replacement parts, most folks should have received their replacements by now. The exception being folks in the EU, where GamesQuest yet again let us down by delaying the shipments. They are going out now and should get wrapped up in the next couple of weeks (also keeping in mind that shipments to some countries take longer than others). So, if you're in the EU, we just ask for a bit more patience. If you filled out the form, there is no need to ping us yet that you haven't received it. Once we confirm that they are all out, we'll put a call out for folks who still haven't received theirs.

EmberCorp Team-Building Exercise AKA Cooperative Mode
over 5 years ago – Fri, Apr 05, 2019 at 12:34:15 AM

If you want a change of pace, now you can work together to take on Vul-Kar. You can download the cooperative rules here:

Fireball Island Cooperative Rules

If you have questions about the rules, you'll probably do best posting them at Board Game Geek, where they'll also live on to help others with similar questions. But, of course, I am happy to answer questions here as well.

Have fun storming the castle!

Let's Talk About Some Other Kickstarters
over 5 years ago – Thu, Apr 04, 2019 at 01:59:37 AM

There are a couple of new Kickstarters out there that might be of interest to Fireball Island fans.

The Secret Cabal has launched their 2019 campaign. Yes, we have a promo card in there. Yes, you can only get it as part of their full promo pack, which is $50. Obviously, we fully support them. They are great content creators and supporters of the hobby. However, if you are not inclined to support them or don't have the means, we intentionally designed the card as an injury card, so it would not impact core play. I do want to be clear though: We do not have any of these cards ourselves, so we cannot offer to sell them directly. I know some folks are just anti-promo. But we know, for a fact, that these promo cards help content creators like the Secret Cabal to meet their costs, and we believe strongly that media voices such as theirs contribute to a strong and growing hobby.

You might also have seen Scott King's 2020 Gaming Calendar campaign. If so, you'll see our good friend, Vul-Kar, is one of the main images. Scott does amazing work. If you like games and need a calendar, it really can't be beat. And you can fully customize the images in your calendar if you want too. Check it out.

Finally, a little closer to home, the Fun Run mode is in playtesting now, and the D&D module is edited and going to layout. We hope to have both of those out very soon, maybe by the end of this month.

Golden Geek Award Nominations - Spare a Vote?
over 5 years ago – Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 01:48:00 AM

Just a quick update. We're thrilled that Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar has been nominated for a Golden Geek Award in the categories of Family Game, Thematic Game, and Artwork and Presentation. If you're inclined, we'd really appreciate your vote, especially in the Family Game category.

Golden Geek Award Voting Page
